
Digital Body Language–Your 5-Minute Success Guide

by Marina Crannet

Aug 07, 2024

What is Digital Body Language?

Let’s face it. With the pandemic, remote work, and social media–who’s not online? Digital Body Language, or DBL in text, is the non-verbal cues that we communicate to others online.

By online, we mean everything digital. This includes social media, messenger apps, texts, emails, video chats, and the list goes on.

Digital body language and body language tactics can evoke certain emotions and feelings from who you’re talking to, whether you realize it or not.

Couple enjoying a cozy evening on the couch, exploring digital body language in dating

When you think of body language in relationships, you think about eye contact, subtle head tilts, and other nuanced movements. These movements reveal moods like joy, excitement, and nervousness, all without saying anything.

But, what about digital body language? What does DBL mean in text?

Like body language in relationships, digital body language can indirectly show people how you’re feeling.

As you navigate the dating apps, it’s important to understand digital body language and what it means.

Master digital body language to become more self-aware and score more dates with the man or woman of your dreams.

Examples of digital body language tactics include:

Response time: Are you taking a long time to respond to emails and texts? A quick reply signals enthusiasm, while a slow response signals a lack of interest.

Emojis: A simple emoji can go a long way. A happy emoji represents excitement, the winking emoji sends an air of flirtation or playfulness. The thumbs up represents agreement and the tongue out represents silliness. The list goes on and on.

Punctuation: Are you leaving punctuation at the end of your emails and texts? If you aren’t, it suggests an air of informality. If someone uses “...”, it suggests hesitation or unease. Using “!” shows excitement or enthusiasm. However, if you use “?!?”, it suggests urgency and perhaps even impatience.

Message length: Short responses may elicit feelings of uninterest or disengagement. Long messages can show thoughtfulness and engagement. However, messages that are too long can feel overbearing or overwhelming.

Typing indicators: If you enable the typing bubble indicator, you show that you’re actively engaged in the conversation. If that indicator is off, the other party may feel ignored.

Read receipts: Enabled read receipts create a feeling of transparency, and disabled read receipts indicate a desire for privacy.

Social media interactions: Liking a social media post shows support for the poster. If you take time to comment or reshare that content, it shows a higher level of interest and engagement.

Video calls: Video calls are a hybrid between digital and in-person body language. For instance, strong eye contact elicits a feeling of connection and attention. People can also see your physical body language (e.g., nodding, smiling) through video calls. You may also want to consider your video call background–is it professional or silly?

Email etiquette: How are you formatting your emails? Do you sign off? If so, it suggests a level of professionalism. Do you format the email with bullet points and spacing for readability? If so, it may convey that you are paying attention to details.

Emojis and punctuation marks may seem nuanced, but they are part of a big system of technology rules that affect how you’re perceived online.

In the dating space, mastering body language in relationships can make a significant difference in how you connect with dates and potential relationships.

Two bisexual women about to kiss on a busy street with a pride flag in the background

Do People Pay Attention to DBL?

According to a study from the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, more than 70% of communication happens online, and half the time, the tone of your emails is misunderstood.

How about texting on dating apps? Is texting nonverbal communication? The answer is yes.

One of the biggest ways for a potential match to learn about you is through text. When face-to-face interaction is missing, your choice of words, emojis, and even the timing of your responses are all examples of body language tactics.

These body language tactics add up to create your match’s impression of you.

Know the 7-38-55 rule: Curious to know how much communication is body language? The majority of communication is. Research finds that 7 percent of communication is conveyed by our words, 38 percent comes from our tone of voice, and 55 percent comes through body language.

How Does DBL Affect Online Dating?

Princeton University psychologist Alex Todorov found that it only takes 1/10th of a second to make first impressions. And additional research finds that 55% of first impressions are visual-based,

This means that body language–whether physical or digital–can dictate whether you get the next date or not. Body language in relationships is important, but it’s even more important when it comes to first impressions.

A bad first impression equals no chance at a date.

So, think carefully: what do you want people to see in you? You’ll want to follow different digital body language tactics depending on your answer.

Do you want to come off as professional and proper?

Or, more of the bad boy who’s ready for some fun?

Take a look at your texts and emails. Understand your current digital body language and body language tactics. See if you need to steer towards a different direction.

Person interacting with social media notifications, understanding digital body language in dating apps

Tips And Tricks to Master DBL

If you’re interested in digital body language tactics, don’t skip this section. Here, we’ll cover how to use body language in relationships to your advantage.

At ToGetHer, we pride ourselves on connecting you with the love of your life.

These digital body language tactics are designed to attract high-quality people into your life who want serious, long-term relationships.

Profile picture: Choose a clear, high-quality photo with flattering lighting. Smile and maintain a natural, confident posture.

Bio: Write a concise, authentic bio. Use positive language and share a bit about your interests and personality. If you’re fun, make it match. If you’re witty, write something to show that personality.

First Message: Personalize your first message based on their profile. Show genuine interest and ask an open-ended question. Open-ended questions show curiosity and increase your chance of getting a response. Who knows? Maybe throw a fitting emoji here or there.

Response Time: Respond promptly, but not instantly. This shows interest without seeming overly eager.

Tone: Use a friendly, upbeat tone in your messages. Avoid sarcasm, as it can be easily misunderstood. As a rule of thumb, avoid sarcasm until you know him or her better.

Emojis: Use emojis to express emotions and add a playful tone, but don’t overdo it.

Grammar: Use proper grammar and spelling. It reflects your attention to detail and seriousness about the interaction.

Again, this is if you’re looking for a serious, long-term partner. Depending on who you are and what you need, your choice of digital body language tactics will change.

If you’ve read this far, you’re one step ahead of most people on ToGetHer.com.

What does DBL mean in text? Is digital body language in relationships important?

Now, you’ve got all the answers.

Send that perfect message. Nail your profile picture. Use emojis to express yourself just right.

Happy matching for the love of your life on together.com.


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