Together Dating and Relationship Advice

Date A Bisexual Woman

How To Date A Bisexual Woman

How To Date A Bisexual Woman

Dating a bisexual girl isn’t fundamentally much different from dating any other woman. There’s no great secret to it. You meet a bisexual girl. You date for a bit. You see how it goes.

Meeting and dating a bisexual girl, whether you’re a straight man, lesbian, bi-curious woman, or anyone else, doesn’t come with any special rules. Your relationship will be unique...

Difference Between Dating Someone and Being in a Relationship

What’s the Difference Between Dating Someone and Being in a Relationship With Them?

What’s the Difference Between Dating Someone and Being in a Relationship With Them?

When it comes to relationships, it can often be a bit tricky to pin down exactly what’s going on. Different terms might mean different things to different people and working out where you stand can be a bit of an art.

Sometimes, dating is just dating. Sometimes, it’s the start of a relationship. How to go about Judging where that line falls is a question that has...

PDA Mean In Dating

What Does PDA Mean In Dating?

What Does PDA Mean In Dating?

The PDA acronym stands for ‘Public Display of Affection’. That’s a catch-all term for everything from overtly making eyes at someone you love, through handholding, all the way up to sticking your tongue in their mouth. Anything that physically expresses your affections falls into this category.

Some people love showing off their feelings in a physical manner when out and about. Other people might not. For some it makes them feel secure, others it makes them feel smothered. Whether or not you’re a PDA couple depends on your, and your partner’s...

Younger Men Prefer Older Women

Why Do Younger Men Prefer Older Women?

Why Do Younger Men Prefer Older Women?

While the media image of age-gap love is still predominantly one of older men and younger women, the reality is a lot more balanced. Gone are the days of the ‘cougar’ stereotype as people realise that these relationships can go well beyond the physical.

Of course, that’s not to say that the physical doesn’t play a role. With age comes confidence and experience and honestly, there’s nothing sexier. As more and more younger men are realising that they’re attracted to older women...

Master the Art of Flirting With a Girl

Master the Art of Flirting With a Girl

Master the Art of Flirting With a Girl

The first step towards getting a date is flirting. That means it’s a good skill to master. Unfortunately, there’s an absolute ton of terrible advice out there for guys. There’s a whole industry devoted to ‘helping’ you get the girl but honestly, most of it is counterproductive in the extreme, especially if you’re looking for a real girlfriend.

Luckily for you, there’s a lot less to being flirty than the internet would have you think...